How to add a Section to a form
You may have information that is used on several forms. Reusable sections group several fields that are saved together to use on multiple forms. By adding a section to a form, you don't have to add each individual input to multiple forms. For more information about creating a section, see Using Reusable Sections and Viewing a Section in the App.
To add a section to a form, complete the following:
- From the Actions/Container menu in the Form Designer, select Section.
- The Section input is added to your form. Click
(Edit) to open the Edit Section window.
On the Settings tab, mark Hide Section to hide the section in the app. When a section is added to a form the section is displayed with a box around it to indicate it's part of a section, and not individual fields on a form. Mark Hide Section Border if you don't want the border to appear in the app.
- Enter a label for the section.
- In the Tooltip field, enter the tip/hint you may want to include for the section.
- Mark Hide Section Label Text to hide the section label text in the app.
- Select the section you want to include on the form.
- Click + Add Field Map to map a form field to a section field so that it can be used to populate data within the section. For more information, see Mapping Form Fields to a Section.
- Click the Styles tab to specify the style settings for the section. See Using the Styles Tab for more information.
- Click OK to save your entries. Click Cancel to close the Edit Section window without saving changes.