Using Auto-Incremented Numbers

How to use auto-incremented numbers

Auto-incrementing numbers are user-defined document numbers that allow for better document tracking. These numbers increment when a form is submitted (leave the auto-incremented number field blank), when a form is dispatched, or manually by clicking the Get a Number icon.

This user-defined number can be added to multiple forms. The auto-incrementing number is mappable on a linked form so that the parent and child form can use the same number.

  1. To create an auto-incrementing number, select Auto-Increment Numbers, then New Number from the Reusable Components menu on the left side of the Form Designer. The Auto-Incrementing Number Designer opens:
  2. Enter a label name for the auto-incrementing number.
  3. Mark Text to include a prefix to the number, then enter the text format.
  4. Mark Date to include a date in the number, then select the date format. The date formats include:
  5. Enter the number of digits you want the auto-incrementing number to contain, then enter the next number to appear on the form. The Number Preview field displays the number that appears on the form.
  6. The user-defined number can be arranged in the order you want by dragging and dropping the handle icon for the Text, Date, and Number of digits fields.
  7. Click (Save). The auto-incrementing number is now available to add to a form.
  8. To add an auto-incrementing number to a form, select Auto-Incrementing Number from the Formatting options on the right side of the Form Designer.
  9. Click (Edit) to open the Edit Auto-Incrementing Number window.
  10. Select the auto-incrementing number you want to add to the form. You cannot save a form that doesn’t have an auto-incremented number selected.  
  11. In the Tooltip field, enter the tip/hint you may want to include for the auto-incrementing number.
  12. Click the Styles tab to specify the style settings for the auto-incrementing number. See Using the Styles Tab for more information.
  13. Click OK to save the information. Click Cancel to close the Edit Auto-Incrementing Number window without saving your changes.
  14. Click (Save) to save the changes you made to the form.
  15. The following displays how an auto-incrementing number works in the app: