How to use the Pending Forms page
The Pending Forms page lists all forms at the current step of a workflow and are waiting at a step for action or are part of an incomplete envelope. Forms that are completely through a workflow will not appear on this page – you can find them in the View/Edit Submissions page. Use the Search at the top of the page or click the headings on the page to sort the forms to help find a specific form.
The Status column displays which step the workflow is in. An asterisk next to the Assigned To user indicates that is the person who has the form checked out. If only one person needs to complete the step, it's always checked out to them.
Personal data that’s deleted is removed from this page and the device it’s saved on.
- From the Submissions and Logs menu, select Pending Forms. The Pending Forms page opens.
- Click the more button at the right of the form line and select an action to take:
View Details – Opens the Workflow Details window and shows additional details about the workflow and form such as the date the form was checked out.
View Comments – Opens the Workflow Comments window and shows a running list of all comments entered in the Workflow Actions section of the form.
View Audit Trail – Opens the Workflow Audit Trail and shows details for all steps thus far in the workflow.
Re-assign – Opens the Re-assign Workflow Item window and provides the ability to reassign a form in a workflow to another user. If the form is checked out, you will need to remove the form from that user, then assign it to someone else.
Cancel Workflow – Removes a form from the workflow. The form will be available in View/Edit Submissions.
Remove Checkout – Removes the checkout from a user. This is useful if a user is offline and has a form for an extended period and is holding up the workflow.
Delete Pending Form – Opens the Confirm Delete window, where you can enter a reason for the deletion. If you delete a pending form from this page the form is removed from a tech's device.