Editing Default Email Settings

How to edit default email settings

Emails enhance the functionality and security of forms, making them an essential tool for personalizing and following up on form submissions. A default email is created for a form once the form is saved in the Form Designer. 

Additional emails can be created for each form so that you can send emails with different text and reports to the appropriate audience. 

  1. In the Form Designer, click (Emails) then, select the default email to open the Email for (form name) window.
  2. Enter the email address to whom the form's email will be sent. Use a comma or semicolon separator between multiple addresses. You can enter group email boxes as long as they exist. Use merge fields to add inputs from the form you're working on.
    Tip: If you want to send the form externally, for example to a customer, you should not add their address here because every submission of this form will be emailed to that address. Only use an external email address if the form is specific to that person or organization. Additional email addresses can be added from the app on the device when submitting the form.
    Select User's Primary Team Lead to use the primary team lead's email address, for the person completing the form, to send the form.
  3. If applicable, enter the Cc (carbon copy) and Bcc (blind copy) emails. Select User's Primary Team Lead to use the primary team lead's email address, for the person completing the form, to send the form. 
  4. Enter a subject that will appear in the Subject line of the recipient’s email box. You can add inputs from the form you’re working with by using merge fields. This puts the input field in the subject and when the form is emailed, the entry for that input appears in the subject.
  5. Select the report(s) you want to send with this email (for advanced forms only). The default report will be marked automatically. 
    If no report is selected, no PDF of the form is sent with the email. You can use emails without reports as a simple means of notification.
    If creating an email for a basic form, the PDF of the basic form will be sent.
  6. Enter the body of the email. You can type in text as well as select merge fields from the form. If you want any information from the form to be included in the email, you must add that input to the body of the email.
  7. Click Save when you’ve completed the set up.
  8. Click the Rules tab if you want to set up an email rule.
  9. Click the App tab if you want to specify app settings for the email.
  10. If you are using envelopes, the email set up for the envelope replaces the default email for the forms in the envelope.