How to hide the email address in the FormsPro app
You can hide the email in the email pane at the bottom of the form if you don't want the want the app user to receive an email and report for the form or send it to anyone else. This is useful if there is data on the report that you want to keep secure and not distribute via email on the form to anyone outside of those entered in the Email tab. Keep in mind that if you select this, and no email addresses are entered in the Email Form To field on the Email tab, the email will not be sent.
TIP: If this is a form that needs to be individually sent to a customer, for example, you’ll need to be sure this option is unmarked. Confidential data can be included on one report that can be emailed to specific recipients, and another report can be created excluding that data and emailed to the customer and mobile user.
- Open the form for which you want to hide an email address in the app.
- Click
(Emails) on the toolbar and select the appropriate email for the form.
- Click App to open the App tab.
- Mark the Hide Email Address Pane in App option if you do not want the app user to receive this email and report for the form or send it to anyone else.
- Enter descriptive text about the email settings that will appear on the mobile app to help the mobile user understand what the email contains. This text does not appear anywhere besides the email pane in the app, so you can be as descriptive as necessary. For example, “This email is sent to the mechanic shop to notify them of an issue with the truck when a repair is needed.”
- Click Save to save your changes.