How to add a Signature input to a form
The Signature input provides a space on a form for a signature.
- From the Input menu in the Form Designer, click Signature.
- Click
(Edit) to open the Edit Signature window.
- On the Settings tab, mark Required Signature to make the signature required. Mark Used for Personal Data if the signature field is used for personal data which can be used to delete specific data from a form. By checking this option, when using the Data Deletion page, non-personal data is kept for analysis, while deleting the personal data. After marking this option, an icon appears next to the text alignment icon in the Admin site indicating this field is used for personal data:
Mark Require Type Name Field if you require a typed name signature. If you have the Require Type Name Field option marked but not the Required Signature option marked, there is no asterisk next to the signature label on the form indicating the Type Name field is required. Once you click the Sign button in the app, you will see the Type Name field has the asterisk. The Use Contactless Signature option defaults marked. This allows you to provide a QR code or a link to the customer for contactless signing. - Enter a label for the signature.
- In the Tooltip field, enter the tip/hint you may want to include for the signature.
- Enter any text you want to provide to the signer in the Text to Display in Signature Box field.
- Click the Styles tab to specify the style settings for the signature. See Using the Styles Tab for more information.
- Click the Field Condition tab to create a condition for the signature.
- Click OK to save your entries. Click Cancel to close the Edit Signature window without saving changes.