Adding a Repeatable Group to a Form

How to add a Repeatable Group to a form

A repeatable group is a “container” on a form that you can drag and drop inputs into to create a group of information that repeats on a form in the app. Repeatable groups can contain any input type except another repeatable group or a page break. A form can contain more than one repeatable group and if there is more than one, they repeat independently of each other.

Repeatable groups are different from sections. A section is created once and can be added to many different forms. A repeatable group is created on a form then repeated on the same form in the app. In the following example, Section 1 is on Form 1, Form 2, and Form 3, whereas the Repeatable Group is only on Form 4 but repeated three times.

Let’s say you have an inspection form for roof top units. Each customer’s rooftop has a different number of units on it. Your form can contain a repeatable group for all the information a tech needs to inspect for each unit. During the inspection, the tech simply clicks an add button as they move to the next unit to inspect until they’ve completed as many as they need to for that customer. For the next customer, they’d complete the same form with a different number of repeated groups.

To add a repeatable group to a form:

  1. In the Form Designer, from the Actions/Container menu, click Repeatable Group.
  2. Click (Edit) to open the Edit Repeatable Group window.
  3. On the Settings tab, enter a label for the repeatable group. The Add to Label field is a merge field so you can add a field value from the group to the label. This will help easily identify the group in the app, especially if the group is collapsed to the header.

  4. In the Tooltip field, enter the tip/hint you may want to include for the repeatable group.
  5. In the Text Next to Add Button field add the text you want to use next to the Add button. This is optional and is useful to help your users know what the Add button is adding. It’s especially helpful when you have multiple repeatable groups on a form, or when used with a group that has 0 as the minimum number of repeats. When there is a minimum of 0, there is no group on the form to start, only the plus button and this text is shown in the app. If there is no text for reference with the plus button, there’s no context for the button for your users.

  6. Mark the Hide Label and Hide Border options to hide the repeatable group label and the border around the group.

  7. Toggle on the Minimum Repeats option to display an entry field to enter the minimum number of times the repeatable group can be repeated to submit. You must have a minimum of 1 entered to display the group when the form is opened. If the repeatable group does not appear at least the number of times specified, a message appears, and you won’t be able to submit.

  8. Toggle on the Maximum Repeats option to display an entry field to enter the maximum number of times the repeatable group can be repeated to submit. If the repeatable group has been added as many times as the number of the form, the Add button no longer appears at the end of the last repeatable group. Once a repeatable group is deleted the Add button appears again.

  9. Click the Styles tab to specify the style settings for the repeatable group. See Using the Styles Tab for more information. 
  10. Click the Data Settings tab to use a data set in the repeatable group.
  11. Click the Summary Settings tab to set up numeric fields you want to use outside of the repeatable group to summarize the data that’s repeated in a calculated field. For example, if you have Table A with a summary row in the repeatable group, and outside of the repeatable groups, you have a Totals table that you want to use to display the totals from Table A in each repeat, you’ll need to determine how you want the summary row in Table A to be calculated so that those fields are available to use in the Totals table.

  12. Click OK to save your entries. Click Cancel to close the Edit Repeatable Group window without saving changes.
  13. Click (Preview) to view how the repeatable group will look in the app.