Adding a Header to a Form

How to add a Header to a form

The Header element inserts text to use as a heading on a form and for a portion of a form. On the mobile app, headers are used in the Table of Contents as a means of “jumping” to another section of a form as well as a means of collapsing areas of the form when using the app.

  1. From the Formatting menu in the Form Designer, click Header.
  2. After a header is added, click  (Edit) to open the Edit Header window.
  3. On the Settings tab, mark Hide Collapse if you want to prevent the header from being collapsed. For example, you want the detail of a section on a form to be seen at all times and want to prevent a user from collapsing the information and missing it.
    If you leave the Hide Collapse option unmarked, be aware of the following when collapsing headers:
    -Information under a header is collapsed up to the next header if there is no page break. If there is a page break, the collapse stops at the page break regardless of if there is another header on the next page.
    -If there are no other headers, the remainder of the form is collapsed up to the Email area of the form.
    -If a header is in a condition, it can only be collapsed when the condition is shown, and when shown, it collapses only the area within the condition.
    -Headers with shown conditions are not collapsed if the header above it is collapsed. This prevents a header from over-taking the condition by hiding it.
    -Sections create their own headers and can be collapsed to the section label. 
  4. Enter a label for the header. This is the text that is shown as the header. The header serves as a place to “anchor” the expand/collapse button.  
  5. Click the Styles tab to specify the style settings for the header. See Using the Styles Tab for more information.
  6. Click OK to save your entries. Click Cancel to close the Edit Header window without saving changes.