Adding a Folder

How to add a folder

The Folders page displays all the folders that have been set up, along with the assigned users and teams to the folders.
  1. From the Form and Report Designer menu, select Folders. The Folders page opens.
  2. Click the Add button to open the Add Folder window.
  3. Enter a folder name.
  4. If you are creating a subfolder, toggle the Subfolder option on, then select the main folder to which the subfolder belongs. You cannot select a subfolder as a main folder. Subfolders are only one level deep.
  5. If you want to limit who has access to the folder, toggle the Limit Folder Access on, then select the users and/or teams for whom you want to limit access. If you leave this option toggled off, all users will have access to the folder. The permissions set up for the user determines where they can access the forms from. For example, a human resources user could see employee benefit form data from the HR folder on the View/Edit Submissions page but may not be allowed to create a new form.
    Allowing different users to access the forms they need is done in folders. Forms that are not in a folder are available to all users.
  6. Click Save. You will see the name of the new folder/subfolder in the list on the left.