How to use the duration input
The Duration input is used for entering time as an amount rather than entering a specific start and end time. When using a duration, you can specify the time increment you want to use in hours and minutes, or minutes and seconds. This can be useful when logging time on a timesheet. For example, you can set up a duration to track hours and minutes with an hour interval of 1 and a minute of 15, so a user can select the closest 15-minute interval for their entry. Durations can also be used in calculated fields.
- From the Input menu in the Form Designer, click Duration.
- Click
(Edit) to open the Edit Duration window.
- On the Settings tab, mark Required to make the duration a required field. Mark Hidden if you don't want the duration to appear in the app.
- Enter a label for the duration.
- In the Tooltip field, enter the tip/hint you may want to include for the duration.
- Select the value format. Selects Hours and Minutes to use hours and minutes as the time increments. Select Minutes and Seconds to use minutes and seconds as the time increments.
Depending on your value format selection, specify the time intervals you want to use for the duration. This makes entry easier in the app and allows you to control the intervals that can be entered. For example, if your time entries are integrated to a payroll system that rounds to a quarter hour, you can set your intervals to 15 minutes so that entries are only allowed for the quarter hours. If the app user enters the duration instead of selecting the interval, the entry is rounded automatically to interval. - Enter the maximum hours or minutes if you want to place a restriction on the field. For example, if you never want an entry over 12 hours, this will not allow selecting or typing a value over the maximum.
- Mark Display Maximum Value in App to display the maximum value in the app. This option is defaulted unmarked.
- Select the output value, which is a calculation of the duration in that interval, for the duration that is used behind the scenes in calculations and data mapping.
- Click the Styles tab to specify the style settings for the duration input. See Using the Styles Tab for more information.
- Click the Validations tab to create a validation for the duration input. See Creating Field Level Validations for more information.
- Click the Field Condition tab to create a condition for the duration input.
- Click OK to save your entries. Click Cancel to close the Edit Duration window without saving changes.
- Click
(Preview) to view how the Duration input will look in the app. Enter a duration amount or use the number picker to select the duration's hours/minutes. Keep in mind that you cannot enter a number more than two digits. For example, you cannot enter more than 99 hours, minutes or seconds for a duration.