How to add a data set to a section
Data sets can be added in a section so that it can be used on several forms.
To accomplish this, complete the following:
- From the Reusable Components menu, click Sections, then select + New Section to create a section for the information you want to include on forms.
- In the Name field, enter a name for the section. In this example, we are adding a section for parts.
- From the Actions/Container menu menu, click Dynamic Table to add a dynamic table to the section.
- Click
to open the Edit Dynamic Table window.
- Mark Vertical as the table layout.
- Click the Data Settings tab t0 select the data set to include in the section (Parts in this example). Select the fields to include in the dynamic table and click the Apply Data Set Columns button.
- Click OK. The dynamic table in the Section Designer displays the data set applied to the table.
- Click
(Save) to save the section.
- Add the section to the form.
- Click
to preview the form and verify the form populates correctly.