How to view the Data Maps Log
Use the Data Maps Log to view the status of form data that has been mapped. This log is useful when troubleshooting a data map that failed to run. You can resubmit data maps from this page.
- From the Submissions and Logs menu, select Logs. The Logs page opens.
- From the Log Type list, select Data Maps.
- Enter a submission start and end date to filter the results and click Find. You don't need to enter a date range, but it may be easier to manage what you are viewing. The Find button changes to a Cancel button when the search is running, so that you can cancel the search, if necessary, such as the search is taking a long time.
- If you want to filter the data map information further click the Advanced Search collapse button. Additional fields appear allowing you to filter your search by data map name, form name, who submitted the data map, the data map status, the data map type and a search field. Click Find after entering the filter information.
- Information about the data maps is displayed in this log page including the date and time the map was run, the name of the map, the form to which the data map is assigned, if the map ran successfully or errored, the user who submitted the form, the message associated with the map, who originally ran the map and anyone who resubmitted the map, and the date the form was submitted are displayed.
- To view more information about a map, click
next to the data map line. A menu appears:
- Select View Details to open the Details window. This window displays the date and time the map was run, if it was successful or errored, and detailed information about an error. This information is helpful when troubleshooting a failed data map.
- Select View Submission to view the form submission for the data map.
- Select View Data Map Data to open the Preview window. This window displays the data in the data map.
- Click on a line in the log to view the history behind that run. Steps are visible only with certain map types. If you click on a line and it doesn't expand, there are no steps or history associated with the data map.
- Data map errors can be reprocessed by selecting the map and clicking Resubmit Map. A message will appear to let you know if the resubmit process was successful or if there was an issue, such as if the server responded with an error during the process of trying to run the selected maps. The message does not reflect if the data map actually ran successfully. Use the Status column to verify this. When the data map is resubmitted the history information is updated with your latest attempt at the top of the page, with the history underneath it.