How to use the Edit Dynamic Sub-Table window
A sub-table is a dynamic table that is within a dynamic table. Sub-tables have a field type of a dynamic table, which is opened from a row or column. A sub-table can contain a sub-table and there is no limit, other than what is usable on the device and report.
- From the Actions/Container menu in the Form Designer, click the Dynamic Table input.
- The Dynamic Table input is added to the form.
- Click
(Edit) open the Edit Dynamic Sub-Table window.
- Enter a label for the sub-table. Although it may seem unnecessary, the table label and column labels are important for retaining the field reference when creating reports.
- In the Tooltip field, enter the tip/hint you may want to include for the sub-table.
If you want to display a label next to the + (Add button) in the app, enter that label in Text Next to Add Button field.
- Under Report Options, mark the Hide Table and Sub-Table Labels after First Instance option to only display the table and sub-table labels in the first instance. Mark the Hide Column Labels after First Instance option to hide the column labels after the first instance.
Toggle Use Minimum/Maximum Rows on to specify a minimum and maximum table row count. You must enter a minimum of 1 to get a starting row in a table.
- From the Highlight Row When Answer in This Column option, select the column heading for which you want to set a row to be highlighted with a background color based on the way a particular column or cell is answered in a table. The highlight color you set up also applies to the report, so you don’t need to set up functions for that purpose.
Note: Any unlabeled columns will not appear in the list to highlight. - Specify the table layout. Select Horizontal if you want the table headers to be at the top of the table and data to fill the rows. Select Vertical if you want the table headers to be in the first column of the table and data to fill the columns.
- Click the Modify Column Sizes button to open the Resize Table Columns window. This window displays a “preview” table where there is a number field at the top of the table header where you can enter a pixel number, or you can drag the column width to the size you want.
- Mark Use Summary Row to add a totals row to the bottom of your table. Once you’ve added number field types to your table the options for the Summary row appear. You can choose Average, Min, Max, or Sum to summarize the row numeric information.
- Mark Hide Summary Row on Form to hide the resulting summary information from the app user.
- Add and name each sub-table column you want to add to the dynamic table.
- Click the Data Settings tab to use a data set in the sub-table.
- Click OK to save your entries. Click Cancel to close the Edit Dynamic Sub-Table window without saving changes.