How to use the Form Deployment page
Use the Form Deployment window to deploy/transfer your forms, and all associated components, from site to site. For example, you can use a "Test" site to create and test your forms, reports, data mapping, and submissions. Then, when you're ready to begin using the form, you can deploy it to a "Production" site without a lot of additional resetting of dynamic fields or integration information.
A data connection to the other FormsPro site, from which you want to deploy, needs to be set up before you can deploy forms. Deploying forms is always done from the site you want the form to be in. For example, if you’re deploying from “Test” to “Production” the information you enter on the Form Deployment page pertains to the “Production” site. You need to select Deployment Connection as the connection type and enter the site’s URL. In this example, you’re using the “Production” site and the connection is to the “Test” site.
- From the Form and Report Designer menu, select Form Deployment. The Form Deployment page opens.
- Select the site connection from which you are deploying forms. If you select a site that supports single sign-on (SSO) a Sign in with Microsoft button displays.
- Enter a username and password for the connection. You must use a user that is a Super User in the “from” site to continue. Click Next.
- Use the Search field to easily find form(s), then mark each form you want to deploy. Each form appears in the Data Associated with Selected Form(s) list. Although data sets will deploy with the form, any connections must also be in place in the site. In this list, you can verify that the site has all the connections necessary for the deployment to take place. For example, if your form has attachments, you must have data connections for attachments in the “Production” site. Click Next.
- Depending on the deployment scenario, enter information for the selected forms:
-When a form does not exist in the new environment, you will be asked to select what folder the form will be in. You will have the option to put the form in the default Forms folder.
-When a form exists in the environment and does not have versioning turned on, you will have the option to overwrite the form or create a new version. Versioning will turn on if “create a new version” is selected. If the version is selected, enter a version name and version comments.
-When a form exists in the environment and has versioning turned on, you will be asked to enter a version name and version comments for the form. When you are exporting a form that has versioning turned on you will be exporting the latest version of the form. When you import a form with versioning turned on the versioning will be turned off until you turn it on. When naming the new version of the form the version name box will autofill in with the version number the form will be. You will not have the option to overwrite in this case. - Click Deploy. A message will appear that the deployment was successful. After a form has been deployed, you can view the deployment in the Deployment Log.