Using the Deep Link Builder

How to build a deep link

Deep links are used to pass data from another application into a FormsPro form. A deep link is a URL link, that when clicked, the app will open a form with the values and operating conditions specified using the deep link builder. For example, FormsPro could be launched from IFS Mobile Work Order (MWO) to open and populate forms.

The Deep Links tab in the Form Settings window provides a consistent method for creating and updating any deep links on a form. The deep link builder provides all the parameters available, and the fields on the form for easily adding them to the deep link.

If you are unfamiliar with information in this procedure, contact your IT department or for help.

  1. From the Form Default Settings window, click Deep Links to open the Deep Link Builder window.

  2.  Enter a name for the deep link.
  3.  Toggle on/off the parameters for the deep link you are building. If you use one of the parameters that add “<<addvalue>>” anything between << and >> needs to be manually updated before the link can be used. 
    FindSaved Uses the IntegrationFormEntityID to find the form on the saved tab. Typically used to resume a previously started but not finished form.
    HideFormList Hides the FormsPro homepage when opening a form from a deep link. 
    ShowSubmitPage Shows a page that says “Form Submitted” rather than taking the user back to the forms listing. 
    HideFieldParams Hides the bar at the top of the main menu in the app that displays the values that were passed in. 
    SendFormSubmissionEmails Sends submission emails when the form is submitted. 
     HideBackButton  Hides the back button in the app to prevent the user from returning to the FormsPro homepage. 
     NoSync  Prevents FormsPro from syncing when deep linked into. 
     FormName  App tries to open this form when loaded. 
     LinkID (?)  Groups multiple form submissions by the app deep linking into FormsPro. For example, a service call may be “linked” to multiple safety form submissions. 
     FormDefinitionID  App tries to open the FormDefinitionID when loaded. 
     IntegrationFormEntityID (?)  Used by the app deep linking into a FormsPro form to identity that form submission. 
    AdditionalEmails Requires the emails to be added to the email list at the bottom of the form. 
    CallBackURL Enter a URL to deep link into another app after a form is saved or submitted. 
    ExternalSync Used in conjunction with CallBackURL to open FormsPro and sync then navigate back to integrating app through the callback URL.
    DataSetParameters When toggled on click Add Data Set. Select the data set you want to use on this deep link. Once a data set is selected, the Parameter fields for all parameters on the selected data set are added. You can add values as needed.
    RegKey Allows the deep link to pass in a registration key, therefore bypassing registration key entry when opening FormsPro. 
  4. Add any fields you want to include in the deep link along with the value you want them to contain.
  5. When a static or dynamic table is selected as the Form Field, the Field Value is an array of rows that contain an “outline” of the table columns so that you only need to enter the values in the appropriate rows. You can leave any values blank. When a table is being passed in, the whole table is brought in at once as a whole. Passing the value for a static table and a dynamic table differ slightly. For example:
    Static Table: {“rows”:[[“”, “text”, 4,”hi”],[“”,”text3”,6,”hello”]]}

    Dynamic Table: {“rows”:[[“text”, 4,”hi”],[”text3”,6,”hello”]]}

    The value is an object containing an array of rows. Each row needs to have the exact number of values for the number of columns in the table. Static table values need to include a blank string at the beginning of each row array because of the label column.

    A blank string is passed for any other cells that aren’t being filled by the deep link.

    If more than one row is passed for a dynamic table value, then a new row is created int eh dynamic table for each extra row passed in the deep link value.

  6. Select the link format you want to use: Mobile App, Windows Desktop, or Browser.
  7. Click Create Link to create the deep link. Once the link is created, you can edit any of the information in the link as needed. The Copy button can be used to copy the link into the integrating product as needed.
  8. Click Save. Saving the deep link allows you to make changes later if the form changes or your data in the integrating product changes.