Using the Checkout Tab in App Settings

How to use the Checkout tab in App Settings

Use the Checkout tab to maintain the settings in the Checkout workspace.

  1. From the menu on the left, click App Settings, then Checkout.
  2. Toggle the Do Not Create Service Invoice at Checkout option on to send all costs to the back office. An invoice number is not reserved for the work order and saved in a batch when this option is toggled on. You can then invoice the work order according to your regular business processes.

    If the option is toggled off, the next number for service/repairs in Receivables Management is saved for the work order in a Receivables batch named TECHPRO. If you delete the batch on the service invoice, the invoice number is unreserved and becomes available for another invoice. This may affect the sequence of your service/repair document numbers.

    Note: This option is available only if the Use TechPro Quotes for Flat Rate Billing (located on the TechPro Quotes tab) option is toggled off. It does not affect MC or MCC calls. 
  3. Toggle the Require Purchase Order Lines option on to require that purchase order lines are entered. If a purchase order has been started, the purchase order must contain at least one item and associated required information to check out. If no lines exist and you attempt to check out, a message appears telling you lines on the purchase order need to be entered before checking out.
  4. Toggle the Require Resolution Note option on to require resolution notes. When this option is toggled on a tech cannot check out an appointment if a resolution note is not entered. When this option is toggle on, it takes precedence over the Warn if Not Entered options if both are selected.
  5. Toggle the Warn If Not Entered option on for the system to check that either an entry has been made in the workspace, or the technician has marked that option as not needed during checkout for various transactions and workspaces. If one or the other is blank, the technician cannot check out until one is completed.

    If this option is marked, select which types of workspaces/items must be completed prior to checkout. You can select any or all the options. If this option is left off, no checks for the workspace or type is done at checkout. If the Purchase Order Attachment option is selected, all purchase orders on the work order are checked, and notify the tech if purchase orders need an attachment before they can check out. If this option is not marked, the tech can check out regardless of any purchase order attachments. If the Purchase Order Lines option is selected, the purchase order will be voided in Signature. If this is unselected, a message will appear that there is a purchase order with no lines entered. You will need to enter items on the purchase order or mark No Purchase Order Lines. If the Equipment on Appointment option is selected, a warning is issued if no equipment has been entered on an appointment. If the Incomplete Tasks on Appointment option is selected, an All Necessary Tasks Completed checkbox is added to the Verifications section of the Checkout workspace. Technicians need to mark this box to indicate that any tasks left incomplete are OK to be left unmarked. Otherwise, a technician needs to complete the task and mark it complete to submit their checkout.

    Resolution codes are not available for job appointments.

  6. Specify how to handle contactless signatures received after a technician completes a checkout:

    Select Log Pending Signatures and Manage Individually to manage each contactless signature received after a checkout individually.

    Select Automatically Attach Updated Report in Back Office to automatically attach an updated work order report to the work order in the back office. If you want to send an updated email with the signature to the customer, mark the Email Report with Signature to Customer option.

  7. Select the status for the follow-up appointment that is created.
  8. Enter a time that appears as the appointment time on the follow-up appointment. If you use a dispatch board, it may be helpful to enter a time inside of regular hours so that it is easier to find as you scroll through dates on the board. This can be left blank which simply provides no default for the technician on the mobile device. The separate option for emailing is used for all customers and all received signatures. The user won’t be able to pick and choose which they want to resend to. If that’s important, they should use the manage individually option. When marked, we will re-send the same email that was sent at the original checkout with the signature on the report. It will be sent to the same individuals as the original checkout. If the email fails, it goes back around through the error and reprocess checkout circuit but keeps the received signature intact.
  9. Enter optional pre-defined descriptions that will appear in a list for the technician to choose the one that most closely matches the reason a follow-up call is needed. Enter each description on a new line in the box.

    Leaving this blank leaves a text field in the mobile app for the technician to enter a description in their own words.

    The appointment description is not a field that appears on the device. You can add it using a user-defined field, but it is on the appointment in the back office. Appointment description fields in the back office are restricted to 51 characters. Anything over 51 characters entered here or on the device overflows using the appointment note, much like the call description does.

  10. Mark Add “Other” as Last Option to automatically insert an option named “Other” in the mobile app as the last pre-defined description. This can be used if no option provided meets the description of the appointment. When Other is selected on the mobile app, another text field appears for the technician to enter a description that meets the situation. The word “Other” appears with this description in the back office.
  11. Mark Require Text Description with “Other” Option to require that when the technician chooses Other as the description, additional text for describing an “other” situation is entered to check out.
  12. In the Disclaimer field, enter text that appears in the Customer Review window from the Checkout workspace and in the contactless signature webpage that is sent to the device.
  13. In the Work Order Summary Report Message field, enter text to print at the bottom of the work order summary reports. The work order summary reports differ depending on the call type, but the same message appears regardless of type. The reports include Work Order Summary Report, Time and Materials Work Order Summary Report, Maintenance Work Order Summary Report and Task Summary Report.
  14. You can rename each summary report, as needed. It might be helpful to include the service date in a report name. Then select any work order fields you want to add to the work order summary report names. The work order fields include Work Order, Customer Name, Customer Location Name, and Date. This information can then be printed on the PDFs sent to the customer.
  15. Modify the Checkout workspace using the Field Designer.
  16. Click to save your changes.