How to add a link to a form
The link input provides a hyperlink to a website or another app that appears as a button on your form. This can be useful if you want to include a link on a form to your company's website or perhaps a weather site.
- From the Actions/Container menu in the Form Designer, click Link.
- The Link input is added to your form. Click
(Edit) to open the Edit Link window.
- On the Settings tab, enter the label that you want to appear on the button.
- In the Tooltip field, enter the tip/hint you may want to include for the link.
- Type or paste the URL for the site or app that opens from the link. For opening an app, you’ll need to know the URL for the app. Be sure to include the “://” in the link URL. For a link to a website, if no text appears in front of “www” FormsPro automatically inserts “HTTP://” or “HTTPS://” so that the link works.
- Click
(Insert Merge Field) if you want to add a merge field to the link. For example, maybe you need a manual for a piece of equipment. The link's merge field would contain the model number as part of the URL to open the manual for the model number entered.
- Specify if you want to open the link in the FormsPro app or in a browser. The FormsPro App option is typical functionality. The browser option is used if the app contains pop-ups or doesn’t open or perform as expected in FormsPro.
- Click the Styles tab to specify the link color.
- Click OK to save your entries. Click Cancel to close the Edit Link window without saving changes.
- Click
(Preview) to view the link added. In Preview, you can test links to websites, but links to mobile apps do not work in most circumstances.