Viewing the Reprocess Checkout Log

How to view the Reprocess Checkout

The Reprocess Checkout Log is where you can view checkout errors and decide whether the appointment checkout should be reprocessed or if the error can be ignored.

  1. Click System Logs from the left menu and select Reprocess Checkout Log from the Log Type drop-down list.
  2. Enter a start date and time.
  3. Enter an end date and time.
  4. Click Find.
  5. Any checkout errors that occurred appear in a list.
  6. If you want to ignore any of the checkout errors, mark the checkbox next to each error and select Ignore All Marked.
  7. Open the Actions menu to see more options for each checkout.
    • Click View Details to open the Checkout Information window where you can view the details of the error. Depending on the error, certain applicable data fields appear editable, and you can change the information to correct an errored field then reprocess the checkout directly from this window.
    • Click Reprocess to reprocess the checkout directly from the list.
    • Click Ignore to disregard the error because the issue was addressed in the back office and you do not want to reprocess the information. This removes the error from the list.