Using the TEXTJOIN Function

How to use the TEXTJOIN function

The TEXTJOIN option is part of the dynamic table summary row, which provides the ability to drive a condition based on dynamic table summary information. TEXTJOIN can be selected as the summary option for columns with field types of: Checkbox, Select (Single or Multiple), Lookup (Single or Multiple), Radio, Text, Long Text, Number or Calculated field. TEXTJOIN is the default for all summary types except for Number and Calculated.

The dynamic table can contain data sets when using the TEXTJOIN function. This can then be used to format a condition to show and hide information contained in that column.

The Hide Summary Row on Form checkbox in the Edit Dynamic Table allows you to hide the resulting summary information from the app user.

On the Data Settings tab of the Edit Dynamic Table window, the Prevent users from deleting rows/columns from table option hides the trash/delete icon in the app so app users cannot delete any lines.

For example, let’s say you have an incident report with a dynamic table about the type of incident. The dynamic table contains an Incident Type column and a Medical Care Required column. Based on an incident, follow-up care may be required. The rest of the form contains fields dependent on the information in the dynamic table. If the Use Summary Row is marked in the Edit Dynamic Table window, and the appropriate field type is selected, the summary type of TEXTJOIN is displayed. This creates a list of all the options selected for that column.

Use the Edit Conditional Field window to indicate what is used in the summary for the dynamic table column. When the summary type is TEXTJOIN, the operator options are "includes," "does not include" and "is not blank."

The TEXTJOIN options are never shown in the FormsPro app, so an app user will not see them.