How to use the Start/Stop Clock
Specify how you want to use the Start/Stop Clock:- Select Exclusively to enforce app users use the Start/Stop Clock for logging time. When this option is marked the ability to manually enter hours in the Time workspace is unavailable.
- Select Optionally to allow app users to use the Start/Stop Clock or manually enter their time. This is the default.
- Select Never to not let app users use the Start/Stop Clock when entering time in the Appointments and Time workspaces. Time must be entered manually when this option is marked.
- Select Based on Customer Location to indicate that the customer at this location requires a start and end time for their records. When this option is marked, the Require Start/Stop when Customer/Location User-Defined Field is Marked field becomes enabled. Select the user-defined field from the SV00200 table that when entered in Signature, requires the Start/Stop Clock. When the field is empty, the Start/Stop Clock is optional.
None of these options affect the Non-Billable Time workspace.