How to use the REST/OAUTH connection type
Representational State Transfer (REST) and Open Authorization (OAuth) are used together in FormsPro to secure access to resources and to communicate with another service.
REST defines how systems communicate over the web using standardized Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) methods and representations, whereas OAuth defines a protocol for secure authorization, often used in conjunction with REST APIs to control access to resources.
- From the Configuration menu on the left, select Data Connections.
- Click
(Add Connection) to open the Connection window.
- Enter a connection name and description for the REST/OAuth connection. This helps you identify the data connection if you connect to more than one database.
- Select REST/OAuth as the connection type.
- Select Client Credentials as the grant type. A grant type is the method in which a client application obtains an access token from an authorization server. The client credential grant type means that the client application is acting on its own behalf to access resources.
- Enter the endpoint for the authentication server in the Access Token URL field. This is used to exchange the authorization code for an access token.
- Enter the client identifier that was issued to the client during the application registration process in the Client ID field.
- Enter the client secret that was issued to the client during the application registration process in the Client Secret field. It displays encrypted. The client secret acts as a password to authenticate the client application to the authorization server.
- In the Scope field, specify the level of access the client application is requesting when it requests an access token from the authorization server. It may have many space-delimited values.
- In the Resource field enter the specific endpoint that a client application intends to access.
- Click Test Connection to ensure your settings are correct.
- Click Save when you've completed your changes.