Using the Reports Tab in the Form Settings Window

How to use the Reports Tab in the Form Settings window

The Reports tab in the Form Settings window is used to specify if you want to use a basic report or an advanced report for the form.

  1. Click  (Form Settings) on the toolbar to open the Form Settings window.
  2. Select the Reports tab.
  3. Select Use Basic Report to create a basic report which creates a report in PDF form using the inputs in the exact order they are on the form. This provides an almost exact replica of the form if printed on paper. If this option is selected, the Report Designer button is not available for the form.

    Select Use Advanced Report Designer to create reports that can be oriented toward the report recipient, providing the information in a format they are accustomed to, or that contains only the information they require. (Data from the form is stored separately – it does not need to be on a report to be saved.) The Report Designer button is available. 

    TIP: You can start with a basic report, then switch to Use Advanced Report Designer as your needs change. This will provide a basis for the report by providing all the fields from your form onto the report in the same layout. You can then move and remove information as needed. One thing to note, if you add fields to the form once you’re using the Advanced Report Designer, you will need to manually add the information to the report – it won’t be added automatically as it does with the basic report.