How to use the Lock input
The Lock input provides a button in the mobile app which disables the fields you choose and prevents them from being edited. Once the fields are locked, they cannot be unlocked. This can be useful when using workflows or transferring a form. For example, you might have 2 techs working at a job site. The first tech needs to test the air quality of a confined space. After the tech completes his or her portion of the form, it is transferred to the other tech. You could lock the air quality fields to ensure no changes are made to the first tech's information.
Note: We recommend that you don't lock required fields.
- From the Actions/Container menu in the Form Designer, click Lock.
- The lock fields input is added to your form. Click
(Edit) to open the Edit Lock window.
- Select the fields (in this example Atmospheric_Readings) on the form that you want to lock when the Lock Fields button is pressed by the mobile user in the app. Notice in the following illustration the Atmospheric Readings fields are grayed out so no one can make changes to them.