How to use the Headers tab in the Form Settings window
The Headers tab in the Form Settings window is used specify the size, formatting, color and justification you want to use for all headings on the form.
- Click
(Form Settings) on the toolbar to open the Form Settings window.
- Select the Headers tab.
Select the label size for the headers: Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small, or Extra Small.
- Specify the formatting to use for the heading: B (bolded), I (italicized), or U (underlined).
- Click the color picker to choose a color for the headers.
Mark Use Header Color as Background Color if you want the header to appear with the color selected as a background. The text is the color of the palette in the color picker. The color picker automatically chooses white or black text based on the color saturation selected for the best text visualization. Unmark the option to change the header text to the color selected with no background color.
Specify if you want the headers to be left justified, centered, or right justified.
A preview will show what your selections will look like on your form, so you can revise your settings until you like what you see.
Click Apply to save your header settings. When you close the Form Settings window, your form will use the options selected.