Using the General Tab in App Settings

How to use the General tab in App Setting

Use the General tab to specify appointment settings, set the order of the app’s workspaces, and arrange fields in the workspaces and appointment listings.

  1. From the menu on the left, click App Settings, then General.
  2. Toggle the Allow Parts and Time Entry on Completed Appointments option on to allow the entry of additional parts and time on a completed appointment. If this toggle is off, completed appointments do not appear on the device. The history of completed appointments for a customer remains available in the History workspace.
  3. From the Appointment Status for Pending list, select the status in your back office to represent appointments that are pending (on hold) in the mobile app. The heading in the app continues to display “Pending” but appointments with this status appear in that section.
  4. If you use guaranteed times for responses from your technicians to a call, from the Appointment Status for Guaranteed Responses list, select the appointment status. This status is used to indicate call urgency based on the time the call was created compared to the guaranteed time to show that the guaranteed time is met. This status must be marked to “stamp” time in the Appointment Status Setup window (Signature > Setup > Lookup Setup > Service > Appointment Status) and be set up on the service level to show the urgency of the appointment for calls with service-level agreements (SLAs). If you don’t use SLAs, leave this field set to None.
  5. Toggle the Allow Technicians to Add New Work Orders from TechPro App option on if your technicians can create calls from the field. This is useful for weekend or after-hours when a technician is on call, and you have no separate dispatching. When using this option, click Select Technicians to open the Allow to Add New Work Order window.

    Mark the technicians that you want to have the ability to add a work order in the TechPro app. An Add Work Order option is added to the menu for the technician in the TechPro App. Any unmarked technicians will not see this option.

  6. From the Appointment Status for Work Order Added in TechPro App list, select a status for the work orders added from the TechPro app. This ensures the call appears on the app and the technician can complete the call. All work orders added from the TechPro app are handled as time and materials calls, although the specific call type is not assigned. This feature requires online connectivity. If a technician is out of a service area, they cannot create a work order, even if they have permissions to do so.
  7. In the Pre-defined Attachment Caption Tags field, enter caption tags to use when adding attachments to equipment and task records. For example, you may have technicians that have to perform weekly safety inspections. You could create an attachment caption of “Wkly Safety Insp.” Then when the technician takes a picture of the equipment that was inspected and attaches it to a record, they simply select “Wkly Safety Insp” as the caption tag.

    Toggle the Require Caption Tag on All Attachments option on if you want to require that technicians must select a caption tag for their attachments on all workspaces that you can add attachments. If this option is unmarked caption tags can still be used, if they are set up, but are not required for leaving the attachment workspace.

  8. Signature allows you to enter a location note that can be used as an alert when an appointment is opened. Toggle the Use Specific Location Notes as Alerts on Appointment option on if you want to notify a tech when they open an appointment there is something to be aware of, such as enter the site using the south door.

    When this option is toggled on the Location Note Subject Keywords field becomes enabled. Enter the keywords that will “trigger” the alert.

    The TechPro location note subject keywords must match the Signature note exactly. For example, let’s say “Alert” is entered as the location note subject keyword. You have several location notes: Alert, Location Alert and Site Alert. Only the first one would appear in TechPro since that’s what matches exactly.

  9. In the Number of Characters in Phone Number (Excluding Extension) field, enter the number of characters to use in a phone number. The TechPro app will display the phone number with the number of characters entered here. Any characters that are remaining after this count is reached are truncated and won’t be shown in TechPro, and therefore not dialed.
    Toggle the Ignore All Symbol Characters in this Count option on to specify whether special characters, such as + at the front of a number, is included in the number of characters.
  10. Drag and drop the icons in the Visible bar in the order you want them to appear in the app. The only icon that cannot be moved is Checkout.

    Changes made here apply to all technicians using the TechPro mobile app.

    Any workspaces your organization does not use can be moved into the Hidden bar, and the icon won’t appear on the app. For example, if your organization doesn’t track inventory parts used by technicians, you can move the Parts icon into the Hidden bar, and the Parts workspace will no longer be available on the app. Any other options you set in the admin site for workspaces that are hidden are maintained, but are not functional from the app. That way, if you want to move the workspace back, you won’t need to reset those options.

    When the Lock Workspaces following the Forms Workspace is marked for any form on the Form Options window, the icons to open workspaces to the right of the Forms icon will be locked until the form has been submitted from the app.

    The placement of the Forms icon determines the available and locked workspaces in the app when using this feature. In the following example, Notes, Quotes and History (to the left of Forms) are available for reference information for the technicians; while the remaining icons to the right are locked until the required form has been completed. You can move the icons to the location that works best for the technicians in your organization.

  11. The Field Designer is available for adding, rearranging, and removing fields from the Appointments list and workspace headers.