Using the Format Data Set Data Window

How to use the Format Data Set Data window

The Format Data Set Data window is used to change the labels for use on the app and set a type for the column so the fields can be used like regular inputs in FormsPro tables. This ensures the information entered matches the data in the originating system and prevents users from entering information that doesn’t make sense or isn’t acceptable for that field.

  1. On the Data Set Designer page, click (Edit icon) next to the data set to open the Format Data Set Data window.
  2. The Source Name field displays the name generated from the data set.
  3. Enter a label for the app user in the Label field. If you enter a duplicate label, it will be numbered.
  4. Select the type and options for each field. Types include Checkbox, Date, Lookup, Long Text, Number, Radio, Select, Text, and Time. Depending on the type you select, the options for the field will vary.
    These settings are not editable when designing the form. If you must make changes, you need to do it here, then fix your form. We recommend testing your data set on a test form before creating forms you want to use.
  5. Mark Hide on Form if the default field on the form is hidden. This controls how it is defined on a form and cannot be changed by the form designer. You might use a hidden field when you have a GUID or other type field that is part of determining your data set but isn’t useful for the form user.
  6. Mark Editable if the field on the form is editable. Editable fields will automatically update the data source when the form is submitted. Be careful to only mark this for fields that the source allows edits on. Some key fields should not be marked editable because of the other purposes they serve.
    If you need different settings for hidden and editable fields on different forms, create a second data set with those setting changes and use it on the different form.
  7. Click OK to save your changes and close the window.
    Note: Be careful when setting up this information. The data types are not verified that they match, so the integration could fail. For example, do not have a Select input with a Number input.