Using the Data Connections Tab

How to use the Data Connections tab

Use the Data Connections tab to configure connection information to a database. The connection string is encrypted when saved to the database.

  1. From the menu on the left, select System Settings, then Data Connections.
  2. Click Add New Connection to add a new connection. To view or edit an existing data connection, select the connection from the Connection Name
  3. Enter a connection name and description for the connection. This helps you identify the data connection if you connect to more than one database.
    Note: The only connection type available currently is REST/OAUTH. The only grant type currently is client_credentials.
  4. Enter a client ID and client secret. This information is issued to the client during the application registration process.
  5. Enter the scope of the access request that manages permissions to protected resources.
  6. Enter the resource of the access request.
  7. Click Test Connection to ensure your settings are correct.
  8. Click Save when you've completed your changes.
    Note: Data connections can only be deleted if they have not been used on a link button setting.