How to use the Appointments workspace
The Appointments workspace is used as your Home page. This is where you start the work you are assigned. The following is an example of how the appointments appear in the app.
The appointments are grouped by date – Today, Upcoming (which shows according to the number of weeks you selected to sync forward in Settings) and then by other statuses, Pending and Past. (The number of past appointments shown is according to the number of weeks you selected to sync back in Settings. The past appointments are open appointments as of a past date that are not on a closed work order -service call or job – are shown.) Those appointments appear on the app in case you need to perform an action on them, such as order or wait for a part on a pending appointment or enter additional time on a completed appointment.
Note: You may use different naming conventions for your statuses – for example, “Pending” may not be a status in your back-office application, but a status was selected to use for pending in the Admin Site.
Use the Search to type in another parameter to look for, such as the customer name.
Click (Filter) to limit the appointments shown to a status; the options available are those that are on appointments assigned to you at this time. The list of statuses change as appointment status changes are made.
When you choose to show the number of appointments or estimated hours, the information appears like the following:
The options are independent of each other. You do not need to be grouping by type to show the quantitative information.
If your organization uses SLAs, the guaranteed time associated with a customer’s SLA is displayed along with a visual cue to help you determine which calls are most urgent. The SLA is associated with a status at the administrative level.
Calls with an SLA display the guaranteed time at the top of the appointment. This field is not displayed if your organization isn’t tracking SLAs in the app.
Appointments are sorted in order of urgency, first those with a guaranteed time with the closest one on top, then, for those without an SLA, they are sorted by appointment date/time, then by call number.
A green check indicator shows that a guaranteed time has been met when the status is changed to the status used for tracking the guaranteed time:
Guaranteed times that are not met are indicated with a red X next to the guaranteed time:
Subsequent appointments for the same service call display the same as the first appointment – either met or as not met, as follow up appointments do not track separate guaranteed times. When multiple technicians are working on the same service call, the first technician to change the status to the one used for tracking will see the guarantee met. Other technicians see the guarantee is met or unmet accordingly the next time they sync.
When you see near the Description field it indicates that there is additional description text.
Click the icon to view the entire service description. Click Done to go back to the appointment.
To begin working an appointment, click it, and the appointment opens to the first workspace in your workflow. If you’re opening an appointment you’ve begun work on, the app opens to the last workspace you were using.