How to sync data
Syncing brings any new and updated forms, to which a user has access, to the user's device, including child forms and newly assigned forms from a workflow. Performing a sync also executes data sets.
When the app is launched or when the sync icon is clicked on the Home page a sync progress bar is displayed.
A sync is also performed when a form is opened from a deep link (such as IFS Mobile Work Order). If the form contains data sets, a form level sync icon appears in the upper right corner of the form. Fields on the form that are populated by a data set display the sync icon until the data has been retrieved and updated. The form level sync checks for an updated version of the form and executes only the data sets for the form that was opened. Data in a data set is retrieved and processed in the background while the form is open. It is saved to the device's local storage. If a field on a form is populated with a value, the sync does not overwrite that value on the form.
When performing a sync, the app "pings" the server to check if it is available. If the app does not receive a timely response the user is considered offline, even if the device is connected to wi-fi. When offline and updating data sets in the local storage, the data is replaced in those data sets but the already populated data on the form is not changed.