Using a Lookup Numeric Value in a Calculated Field

How to use a numeric value selected from a lookup in a calculated field

Calculated fields are used to calculate numeric entries on a form. Any numeric field on a form can be used in a calculation including a duration field, time span field or another calculated field. There may be times when you want a numeric value in a lookup field to be used in a calculation. You can accomplish this by using conditional fields with hidden number fields.

For example, let's say you are restocking filters and completing an order form. Filters come in boxes of 5, 10 and 25. Depending on your needs you will order the appropriate number of boxes and want to know the total number of filters ordered.

You could create a lookup field for the quantity of filters in a box, then create a conditional field with a hidden number for each option (5, 10, 25).

Then add a number field to your form to enter the number of boxes ordered, with conditional calculated fields for each box quantity.

In the app when you select 10 as the quantity of filters in a box and order 12 boxes, it would look something like the following: