Tips When Working with Calculated Fields

How to work with calculated fields

The following describes some tips when working with calculated fields that may be helpful:

  1. Sometimes calculations work better with a space between the field and the operator (other times they’re fine, but if you run into an issue, try adding a space).
  2. Calculated fields don’t need to be written like Excel expressions. They’re simpler than that. No = before the formula is necessary.
  3. Use parenthesis around fields you want to calculate first (just like you would with any formula). 
  4. If you’re using a number with the fields and the number is a decimal value (like for a percentage), it must be preceded with a 0.  For example: Row_1 * 0.6.
  5. If you have more than one table with the same name, you might run into issues. But, if they must be the same – for example, using the same table in multiple conditional fields, be sure you save before you start putting in multiple formulas.  
  6. You may want to try the formula outside of the table in a regular calculated field input. This is especially helpful when doing calculations that use numbers from multiple tables. Sometimes it becomes a little more evident where the issue is when the calculated field is outside of the table. Then, when it works, it can be replicated inside of the table where you want it.
  7. If the formula doesn’t work in Preview, you might want to try in the app.