HTTP Verbs in FormsPro

Understanding HTTP verbs in FormsPro

FormsPro data maps and form actions connect a data field from one source to a data field in another source by using request types. When using an HTTP Request, IFS Apps 10, or IFS Cloud data map for form action type, data from FormsPro is connected to a destination using HTTP verbs. HTTP verbs are used to specify an action that is to be performed on a particular destination object. 

Depending on the type of data map or form action you are using, the HTTP verb used varies. We recommend you consult the documentation for your endpoint for guidance on which HTTP verb should be used. 

HTTP verbs include:

  • DELETE: Deletes a resource.
  • GET: Reads/retrieves a resource.
  • PATCH: Sends partial modifications to a resource (similar to a PUT request).
  • POST: Sends data to create or update a resource.
  • PUT: Sends data to a server to create or update a resource.