How to create an advanced report
Create your advanced report after you’re satisfied that the form you’ve created is complete and ready to publish. Unlike the basic report, the advanced reports don’t get updated with changes to the form, so if you add more fields to the form, you’ll need to add them individually to the report.
- In the Form Designer, click
(Default Settings) on the toolbar then click the Reports tab.
- Select Use Advanced Report Designer.
- Click OK.
- Click
(Reports) which is available after you’ve chosen to use the Advanced Report Designer. In the menu that opens, you can see the initial report is indicated with a default report icon:
- Click
(Edit) to open the Manage Report window.
- Select the report options. The form name appears as a default in the Report Name field. You can change this to be more descriptive of the information on the report. This name appears only in the Form Designer pages in reports menus and in the View/Edit Submissions page.
- Enter a file name for the report. This name identifies the report on email attachments and downloads. If you leave this blank, the form name is used instead. Click
to select fields from your form which inserts the entries from the submission at the end of the file name for help in identifying the report.
- Mark the Do not allow draft report option if you do not want app users to print a preview of the report.
- Mark the Use thumbnail images for all photos to reduce report size option to show images as thumbnails on the report. This is helpful if your report has numerous images and takes a long time to open.
- Select a file type for the report. Reports can be saved as PDF, XLS, XLSX, CSV, or DOCX files. Each type is saved on a per-report basis and cannot be changed at the time of submitting. For example, if you have a report for which you need to export data out of a CSV file, you’ll create a report specifically using that file type. If, for the same form, you want an attractive report to send to customers, you would create a second report using a PDF file type. Mobile app users won’t be able to choose to send the report saved as a CSV file as a PDF when the form is submitted. If you have a form that needs a DOCX file attached or emailed, you can create an additional report as a copy.
If you choose a type other than PDF, you will need to design your report with the output in mind. For example, reports created specifically for exporting purposes (CSV or Excel files) should be designed as one table of information. Keep header information in line with the columns of form data if that information needs to be included. If header information is formatted separately and outside of the main table of data, the data may not export from the file appropriately. - Select the page orientation for the report. The Report Designer opens using that orientation for the report and all sub-reports on it.
Note: If you change the orientation after formatting the report, remember to go back into the designer to be sure your information and tables are lined up on the page. The data on the report is not moved if you change the orientation after saving. - Click Apply, then click Report Designer. The report builds and opens in the Report Designer.
- Modify the fields on your report to match the layout you’re looking for. See knowledge articles for layout tips and tricks to help you format your results.
- Click Save and then Exit to return to the Form Designer.