Using the Visual Settings Page

How to use the Visual Settings page

Use the Visual Settings page to format the color scheme in the FormsPro admin site and the mobile app, and to set default visual options for headers, labels, and tables. This is also where you can upload a logo and indicate where it should appear.

  1. From the Configuration menu, click Visual Settings to open the Visual Settings page. 
  2. The Product Theme tab is used to set the color theme for the admin site and the mobile app. Mobile app users see the change the next time they log in or sync. Change the color by sliding to the color for which you are looking. You can get an exact color by entering the RGB color, or by clicking the up and down arrows next to the colors to change to a different color format – either HSL or HEX.
  3. Click Save Theme Configuration. To return to the original FormsPro red, click FormsPro Default Theme, then click Save Theme Configuration.
  4. The Form Styling tab is used to set the visual formatting for logos, headers, labels, and tables.
  5. To include a logo on forms, click the Upload Logo button to select a logo. If you select a logo, the Show in header option defaults marked. Mark the Show in footer option to display the logo in the footer.
  6. Apply default visual settings to the form elements. You can specify the size, format, and color to headers, labels, and tables.
  7. Click Set as Default to save the settings as the default to use on new forms.
  8. Click Select Forms to Apply to to open the Apply Changes window. Select the forms to which you want to apply the changes, then click Apply. A confirmation message appears.