How to complete a workflow step on the app
If you are assigned a step of a workflow, you’ll receive a notification, and will see the form in the Workflow tab, with information about the form status and what action you need to take. In addition, you will be able to review any media and attachments in the workflow steps.
If you are the only person assigned to a workflow step, the form will appear checked out, whether you are online or not. If a form is checked out by another user, you will be able to open it and review, however, note that any changes the other user is making won’t be available until the form is checked in.
To check out a form, swipe right on the form. Then click Check Out.
You can perform the same action to undo a checkout. No changes you’ve made will be saved, and the form is available for others to check out.
When you’ve completed your review, enter an optional comment, and then select the Action:
You may need to select the next users to send the form to. The fields will prompt you for what you need to select – a Team, Team Lead or Secondary Lead or a user. When you click the lookup, you’ll need to search for the name of the selection. Type the first few letters of the name and the user or team will be shown:
Click Submit and the form will either go back to your Workflow tab and wait for all other assigned users to take an action; or if you are the only person needed for the action or the last person to take action, the form will be removed from your device and go the next step.