How to add a Conditional Field to a form
Conditional fields provide the ability to show additional fields on an advanced form based on the answer to another input on a form. They help streamline the form-filling process by showing only relevant information. This reduces clutter and ensures that users only provide information that’s pertinent to them.
All fields (including calculated fields, date span fields, and time span fields) can be used to build a conditional field except for GPS Coordinates, Media, Signature and Sketchpad inputs.
You can "nest" conditional fields in a conditional field, as well as a section with conditions in a condition. Conditions print on reports automatically without having to modify the report.
Let's assume you have an equipment inspection form that has a radio field on it for the presence of a warning light. If a warning light exists, an additional description field is added as a conditional field.
Note: Be mindful when setting up conditions on Text inputs. The entry in a text field must exactly match the value specified in the rule for the condition to function. Therefore, things like abbreviations, misspellings, and other typos would not trigger the condition. For example, if "Lennox" is the value in a conditional rule but a user enters "lennox" the condition would not be triggered because the "l" is lowercase. You may want to avoid using Text inputs for conditional fields.
To add a conditional field to a form, complete the following:
- From the Actions/Container menu on the right side of the Forms Designer, drag Conditional Field onto the form.
- A "Visible when" header appears in a box. Click
(Edit) to open the Edit Conditional Field window.
- Click+ (Add Rule) to add a rule to the field. Be careful if you change the reference name of the conditional field. You can have multiple fields with the same label on a form. The reference name is unique to each field and is used to distinguish between fields with the same label so that the appropriate condition is triggered.
- Select the field on which to build the condition (in this example, Warning Light). All inputs except the GPS Coordinates, Media, Sketchpad and Signature inputs can be used to build a condition.
- Then select the operator, value type and value to trigger the condition:
-Operator field defines the condition when a particular field should be displayed. It sets the relationship between the selected value in one field and the field that will be conditionally shown, such as "is equal to."
-Value Type field is the type of data (value or field) that is being verified in the condition. Value types help define what kind of input needs to be matched to trigger the condition.
-Value field is the specific value or field that is verified to determine whether the conditional field should be triggered.
As each option is selected, the statement is formed describing the condition. In this example, Warning Light, is equal to, and On were selected. Build more complex conditions using multiple rules and rulesets with additional Add/Or clauses. - Click OK when you've completed the condition.
- Drag the fields onto the form that you want to appear when the condition you created is met. In this example, a text field was added to provide more information about the warning light. The statement in your condition appears as well as describing when the additional fields are going to appear.
- Click
(Save) to save your form.
- In the app, when you answer "On" to the Warning Light field, the Warning Light Description field becomes enabled.